Even if you dont have any plans to pick someone up youre sure to make people smile. Kids can go on and on and on with knock-knock jokes. When The Reddit Pick Up Line Comes Through R Tinder Much like the chicken that crossed the road knock knock jokes have long been a staple of the joke telling world. . Did you get those pants on sale. Take a scroll and you might come with the perfect knock-knock joke. Some of these pick-up lines are just funny others a bit embarrassing some even quite bold. A collection of Witty pick up lines. Below is a graduated list of adult themed dirty knock knock jokes. Lets be honest who doesnt like to laugh lustily. Read on to explore some of the witty adorable cheesy knock-knock and interesting pick-up lines for her that could help you impress. These pick up lines will help you break the frozen H2O. Remember not to use harsh or offensive lines as respecting your girl is paramount ...